Information about the partner
Located in Montpellier (France), CINES is one of the three national supercomputing centres (along with CEA-TGCC and CNRS-IDRIS) and has developed an expertise in HPC and data services for more than 30 years. Embedded in the European data landscape through partnerships with equivalent organizations from many European countries (e.g. PRACE or EUDAT), CINES has an internationally recognized expertise in: (i) High-Performance Computing; (ii) Long term data preservation and data management; (iii) IT hosting for national partners. It also offers training sessions in HPC and HPDA (e.g. on Data Management Plan), in cooperation with PRACE and RENATER, the French national network for research and higher education. CINES is one of the Tier-1 computer operators and sites of national relevance selected by GENCI, in charge of funding large HPC infrastructures for the French public research.