Information about the partner
The Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)/Charité is a public non-profit biomedical research institution focusing on translational research and precision medicine. Together with its founding institutions Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, one of Europe’s largest academic health systems, and Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), a global leader in molecular biology and genetics research, BIH aims to provide excellent research solutions and innovation enabling value-based, personalized healthcare.The BIH/Charité is dedicated to improving the prediction in progressive diseases and developing advanced therapies for unmet medical needs in order to improve patients’ health and quality of life.. In the core unit “eHealth and Interoperability” headed by Prof. Dr. Sylvia Thun, strategies and concepts for the fast, secure and reliable usage of medical data across different systems are developed. In cooperation with hospitals, research institutions, industry and politics, interoperability solutions using international IT standards and nomenclatures are developed.