Information about the partner
The University of Antwerp (UAntwerpen, UA) ranks amongst Europe’s leading universities in terms of relative scientific impact scores in the natural and biomedical sciences (EU Science and Technology Indicators for 2003). The University is a young, dynamic and forward-thinking institution housing more than 4800 employees. The Laboratory of Medical Microbiology (LMM) and Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology (CBH) are part of the university excellence centres Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute and Translational Neuroscience Department at UA. LMM has an international reputation in studying antibiotic use and resistance, as well as on the development of rapid diagnostic solutions by identifying and tapping the potential of newly emerging technologies, including NGS solutions, for diagnostic applications. Molecular Pathology group of CBH houses several state-of-the-art multiplex platforms such as MesoScale Discovery (MSD) and Luminex xMAP technology (LMX) for cytokine analysis.