Collaboration with VACCELERATE – ORCHESTRA’s Romanian Cohort presents results at National Conference of Public Health Conference Hall Julius Mall, Timisoara, Romania

Collaboration with VACCELERATE – ORCHESTRA’s Romanian Cohort presents results at National Conference of Public Health
Conference Hall Julius Mall, Timisoara, Romania
The Romanian Cohort of Healthcare Workers presented results at Public Health Conference organised by Regional Center of Public Health Timisoara, EPIVEST Association, and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania. The conference addressed public health specialists from regional public health authorities, medical schools, and hospitals and took place from 11-13 May 2023. More information and media materials are available in Romanian language at
The ORCHESTRA presentation showed data reporting that persistent symptoms after COVID were more common in participants over 40 years of age, with a BMI over 30, and with comorbidities. Severe COVID was also more frequent among those reporting persistent symptoms. Notably, emotional exhaustion at work was significantly more prevelant among those who developed Long COVID.
Furthermore, the ORCHESTRA team presented – in collaboration with Janina Leckler, leader of WP10 “Communication of the VACCELERATE project – information materials on the VACCELERATE volunteer’s register, which contributes to task 5.4 “Guidance for prevention of SARSCoV-2 infection in Health Care Workers” in ORCHESTRA. Translation of promotional materials into Romanian and printing of posters, flyers, and info cards were introduced. Colleagues demonstrated the online enrolment process at a dedicated stand at the conference, explained promotional materials and were available for discussions.
The conference provided the opportunity to engage with medical teams (from the Occupational Medicine Clinic at ASCAR Hospital, Environmental Health department at the regional hospital) through small meetings to explain the work and enrollment process for the volunteer’s register.
ORCHESTRA is grateful for the collaboration with VACCELERATE to create better protection from SARS-CoV-2.