Public voting open until 30 September 2022
The “ORCHESTRA Core Data elements for COVID-19″ (OcDeC), which is a core data set of standardised variables for use and future use with the goal to simplify the merging of data and to increase metadata quality, is the result of the joint efforts undertaken by the ORCHESTRA team lead by BIH_Charité. The “Development of OcDeC within ORCHESTRA” has now been shortlisted for the Interoperability Award 2022: The Interoperability Award is part of the European Union project X-eHealth that aims to bring forward e-Health in Europe for an international benefit. After the evaluation by an international jury, and out of a total of 19 applications from 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Switzerland), 13 projects were chosen to be candidates fort the award. All 13 projects have achieved significant work in the field of health digitalisation.
The ORCHESTRA team used the experience and the definition of the German Corona Consensus Data Set (GECCO), and continued the process of mapping COVID-19 – related data according to international standards. More information on the OcDeC is available in the ORCHESTRA publication Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic and in the article Establishing semantic interoperability across cohorts at European level.
Public voting is open until 30 September 2022, please make your choice.