General Assembly
The ORCHESTRA General Assembly Meeting was held via Zoom Video Conference on 14 April 2021. More than 120 participants from more than 30 different countries have participated in the meeting comprising both representatives of the ORCHESTRA consortium and third parties as well as the European Commission Project Officer and the Advisory Panel, including representatives from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Medicine Agency (EMA). The General Assembly meeting was the first meeting involving all partners for a formal discussion of the project work progress after the launch of the project (01.12.2020) and the Kick of Meeting (3-4.12.2020). It allowed partners to provide an update on activities undertaken since project inception. In addition, partners discussed the new tasks that have been assigned to the Consortium to include the analysis of SARS CoV-2 variants and vaccine response with the additional budget from the European Commission. The meeting has been organized as plenary sessions, with a time slot for each WP during which the WP leaders and co-leaders presented the tasks and partners involved, the major achievements, the milestones and deliverables of the period (M1-M6) and the publications, communication and dissemination strategy (M1-M12).
