Kick-off meeting

December 3rd and 4th 2020, project partners and international stakeholders met virtually to discuss the project strategy for the next three years.
The conference was attended by 186 participants, from 35 different organisations: the 26 beneficiaries, plus the international partners THSTI (Transnational Health Science and Technology Institute), CBCI(CBCI Society for Medical Education), UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo), the European Commission, ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), EMA (European Medicines Agency), Azienda Zero of the Veneto Region, European Delegation to India, DBT (Department of Biotechnology, Government of India).
The main objectives of the Kick-Off Meeting:
To provide an overview of the milestones to be reached and deliverables for all the Work Packages
To allow partners to meet and organise the intra-WP collaborative work requested for each task objectives
To highlight Work Package strengths, possible challenges and connections in order to better organise the internal communication.
The meeting was organised in plenary and parallel sessions to facilitate communication at macro and micro level.