What is the ORCHESTRA Science Challenge?
The ORCHESTRA science challenge allows external scientists to research their COVID-19 related questions with ORCHESTRA data using federated learning.
Who won the ORCHESTRA Science Challenge?
Two winners have been selected among all applicants. We look forward to collaborate with both winners and are happy to support their research into COVID-19. Martin Brizuela (Hospital Vélez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires, Argentina) will examine the data of patients under 18 years with and without risk factors such as HIV. In this group he will analyse predictors of Long COVID/multisystemic inflammatory disease, predictors of severity and mortality of SARS-COV-2 infections, and lower respiratory infections during and after acute COVID-19 infections. The EuCARE-POSTCOVID Project (Milan, Italy) will assess persisting COVID-19 symptoms within 1 year after acute infection in outpatients/patients with mild/moderate disease treated with a 3-day course of Remdesivir or Ritonavir compared to patients with other or no drugs administered.
Involved cohorts/groups
UNIVR (University Hospital of Verona, Italy), UNIBO (University Hospital of Bologna, Italy), SAS (Andalusian Health Service, Spain) & INSERM (National Institute of Health and Research, France) – Patients enrolled per cohort.
Data available
Primary Infection, 3-Month Follow-up, 6-Month Follow-up, 12-Month Follow-up, 18-Month Follow-up – WP2 Schedule Follow-up Assessment: Long Version, Adjusted Version, Short Version. (Data items may differ from this protocol, as some of the cohorts existed prior to ORCHESTRA)
Data Dictionary Codebook Data Dictionary Codebook
WP2 (COVID-19 cohorts and long-term sequelae) – LTS Study – Adjusted Version, Full Version.
Publication Policy ORCHESTRA
A publication of the results is part of the challenge under consideration of our consortium. Participation is subject to signing the dedicated data sharing protocol. Please find the ORCHESTRA Publication Policy here.
Our support offer in the application and publication process
Throughout the entire challenge process, the researchers are accompanied by our colleagues from ORCHESTRA.