Publications Entwurf

Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic: identifying hesitant groups and exploring reasons for vaccination hesitancy, from adolescence to late adulthood

L. Pauly, C. Residori, H.Bulut et al.

Contributing partner:
LIH, Luxembourg

Scientific article available at:

Temporal Dynamics and (Para)Clinical Factors Associated With (Long) Viral RNA Shedding in COVID-19 Nonhospitalized Individuals – The COVID-HOME Study

L. E Vlaming-van Eijk, I. A. Ertugrul, V. Upasani et al.

Contributing partner:
UMCG, the Netherlands

Scientific article available at:
"J Med Virol"

Learning from post-COVID-19 condition for epidemic preparedness: a variable catalogue for future post-acute infection syndromes

A. Górska, L.M. Canziani, E. Rinaldi et al.

Contributing partner:
UNIVR, Italy

Scientific article available at:
"Clin Microbiol Infect"

Modeling the effectiveness of antiviral treatment strategies to prevent within household transmission of acute respiratory viruses

H. Zaaraoui, C. Schumer, X. Duval et al.

Contributing partner:
INSERM, France

Scientific article available at:

A Framework for Federated Analysis of Health Data Using Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption

M. Puskaric

Contributing partner:
USTUTT, Germany

Scientific article available at:

The gut microbiota as an early predictor of COVID-19 severity

M. Fabbrini, F. D'Amico, B.T.F. van der Gun, M. Barone et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:

Chemosensory assessment and impact on quality of life in neurosensorial cluster of the post COVID 19 syndrome

E. Gentilotti, A. Górska, M. P. Cecchini, et al.

Contributing partner:
UNIVR, Italy

Scientific article available at:
"Scientific Reports"

Privacy-Preserving Workflow for the Cross-Border Federated Analysis of Clinical Data

M. Puskaric, B. Chandramouli, T. Osmo, et al.

Contributing partner:
Life and Medical Sciences Institute, University of Bonn, Germany

Scientific article available at:
"Stud Health Technol Inform"

Systemic oxidative stress associates with the development of post-COVID-19 syndrome in non-hospitalized individuals

L.E. Vlaming-van Eijk, M.L.C. Bulthuis, B.T.F. van der Gun, K.I. Wold et al.

Contributing partner:
UMCG, Netherlands

Scientific article available at:

Interleukin-2-mediated CD4 T-cell activation correlates highly with effective serological and T-cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in people living with HIV

A. Gupta, E. Righi, A. Konnova, C. Sciammarella et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:

Use of Azithromycin Attributable to Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection

C. Gagliotti, F. Banchelli, R. Buttazzi, E. Berti et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:

Temporal changes in the risk of six-month post-COVID symptoms: a national population-based cohort study

A. Pastorello, L. Meyer, J. Coste et al.

Contributing partner:
INSERM, France

Scientific article available at:
"American Journal of Epidemiology"

Creation of Standardized Common Data Elements for Diagnostic Tests in Infectious Disease Studies: Semantic and Syntactic Mapping

C. Stellmach, S. Hopff, T. Jaenisch, S. Nunes de Miranda, E. Rinaldi, et al.

Contributing partner:
Charité, Berlin; University Hospital of Cologne

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Medical Internet Research"

An innovative technological infrastructure for managing SARS-CoV-2 data across different cohorts in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation

C. Dellacasa, M. Ortali, E. Rossi, H. Attieh, T. Osmo, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"Digital Health"

Lack of association between classical HLA genes and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection

A. Marchal, E.T. Cirulli, R. Buttazzi, I. Neveux et al.

Scientific article available at:

A Scalable Pseudonymization Tool for Rapid Deployment in Large Biomedical Research Networks: Development and Evaluation Study

H. Attieh, D. Neves, M. Guedes, M. Mirandola, C. Dellacasa, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"JMIR Med Inform"

A Dried Blood Spot protocol for high-throughput quantitative analysis of SARS-CoV-2 RBD serology based on the Roche Elecsys system

N.Castelletti, I.Paunovic, R. Rubio-Acero, J. Beyerl et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian – Universität München (LMU)

Scientific article available at:

Creation of a pandemic memory by tracing COVID-19 infections and immunity in Luxembourg (CON-VINCE)

O. Tsurkalenko, D. Bulaev, M. P. O’Sullivan, C. Snoeck, R. Krüger et al.

Contributing partner:
Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), Luxembourg

Scientific article available at:
"BMC Infectious Diseases"

Protective role of SARS-CoV-2 anti-S IgG against breakthrough infections among European healthcare workers during pre and post-Omicron surge-ORCHESTRA project

G. Spiteri, M. D'Agostini, M. Abedini, G. Ditano et al.

Contributing partner:
UNIVR, Italy

Scientific article available at:

Protective role of SARS-CoV-2 anti-S IgG against breakthrough infections among European healthcare workers during pre and post-Omicron surge-ORCHESTRA project

G. Spiteri, M. D’Agostini, M. Abedini, et al.

Contributing partner:
UNIVR, Italy

Scientific article available at:

Cross-sectional survey evaluating the psychological impact of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in patients with cancer: The VACCINATE study

D. Tregnago, A. Avancini, L. Belluomini, I. Trestini, M. Sposito, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona

Scientific article available at:
"Plos One"

Stronger and durable SARS-CoV-2 immune response to mRNA vaccines in 5–11 years old children with prior COVID-19

C. Di Chiara, A. Cantarutti, M. Petrara, F. Bonfante, A. Padoan et al.

Contributing partner:
Fondazione Penta ONLUS, Padova

Scientific article available at:

Mucosal response of inactivated and recombinant COVID-19 vaccines in Congolese individuals

F. Mouzinga, C. Heinzel, A. Lissom, A. Kreidenweiss, A. Batchi-Bouyou, et al.

Contributing partner:
Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale (FCRM)

Scientific article available at:
"Immunity, Inflammation and Disease"

Chest Computed Tomography Characteristics of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients with Auto-antibodies Against Type I Interferons

B. Rapnouil, Y. Zaarour, R. Arrestier, P. Bastard, B. Pfeiffer, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Clinical Immunology"

From intentions to practices: what drove people to get the COVID-19 vaccine? Findings from the French longitudinal socioepidemiological cohort survey

A. Spire, A. Sireyjol, N. Bajos

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"BMJ Open"

High sera levels of SARS-CoV-2 N antigen are associated with death in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

H. Chenane, G. Lingas, R. Menidjel, C. Laouenan, S. Tubiana, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Medical Virology"

ISO/TS 21564:2019- based Evaluation of a Semantic Map between Variables in the ISARIC Freestanding Follow Up Survey and ORCHESTRA Studies

E. Rinaldi, S. Thun, C. Stellmach

Contributing partner:
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH/Charité)

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Medical Systems"

ISO/TS 21564:2019- based Evaluation of a Semantic Map between Variables in the ISARIC Freestanding Follow Up Survey and ORCHESTRA Studies

E. Rinaldi, S. Thun, C. Stellmach

Contributing partner:
Berlin Institute of Health, Charité, Berlin

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Medical Systems"

Development, validation, and accuracy of ORCHESTRA emotional exhaustion screening questionnaire among healthcare workers during COVID-19 Pandemic

R. Gan, P. González, G. Fernandez-Tardon, A. Zerbo, V. Calota, et al.

Contributing partner:
The University of Oviedo (UNIOVI)

Scientific article available at:
"British Journal of Health Psychology"

SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine Response in People Living with HIV According to CD4 Count and CD4/CD8 Ratio

A. Vergori, A. Tavelli, G. Matusali, A.M. Azzini, M. Augello, et al.

Contributing partner:
Italian National Institute for Infectious Diseases L. Spallanzani, IRCCS, Rome

Scientific article available at:

A Multi-Center Study Investigating Long COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers from North-Eastern Italy: Prevalence, Risk Factors and the Impact of Pre-Existing Humoral Immunity—ORCHESTRA Project

L. Cegolon, M. Mauro, D. Sansone, A. Tassinari, F. Gooba, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Trieste

Scientific article available at:

Immunological biomarkers of COVID-19 : response to vaccination and monoclonal antibody treatments in immunocompromised patients

A. Konnova

Contributing partner:
University of Antwerpen

Scientific article available at:
"Repository UAntwerpen"

A Systematic Review of Predictor Composition, Outcomes, Risk of Bias, and Validation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Prognostic Scores

K.S. Appel, R. Geisler, D. Maier, O. Miljukov, S.M. Hopff, J.J. Vehreschild

Contributing partner:
University Hospital Cologne (UHC)

Scientific article available at:
"Clinical Infectious Diseases"

Graphical Abstract available here

Differences by immigration status on Covid-19 acute outcomes in the Emilia-Romagna ORCHESTRA cohort

A. Corsaro, F. Banchelli, R. Buttazzi, C. Gagliotti, E. Ricchizzi, et al.

Contributing partner:
Regione Emilia Romagna- Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale (RER-ASSR)

Scientific article available at:
"European Journal of Public Health"

International Clinical Research Data Ecosystem: From Data Standardization to Federated Analysis

E. Rinaldi, C. Dellacasa, M. Puskaric, T. Osmo, A. Gorska, et al.

Contributing partner:
CINECA Consorzio Interuniversitario

Scientific article available at:
"Studies in Health Technology and Informatics"

Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Neutralization Test Detecting Neutralizing Antibodies against the Major Variants of Concern

E. Santos da Silva, J. Servais, M. Kohnen, V. Arendt, T. Staub, et al.

Contributing partner:
Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)

Scientific article available at:
"International Journal of Molecular Sciences"

SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Re-Infections and Clinical Characteristics: A Two-Year Retrospective Study in a Large University Hospital Cohort of Vaccinated Healthcare Workers

L. de Maria, G. Delvecchio, S. Sponselli, F. Cafaro, A. Caputi, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Clinical Medicine"

The incidence and risk factors of selected drug prescriptions and outpatient care after SARS-CoV-2 infection in low-risk subjects: a multicenter population-based cohort study

C. Gagliotti, F. Banchelli, A. De Paoli, R. Buttazzi, E. Narne et al.

Contributing partner:
Regional Agency for Health and Social Care of Emilia-Romagna Region (RER-ASSR)

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Public Health"

Determinants of Anti-S Immune Response at 12 Months after SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in a Multicentric European Cohort of Healthcare Workers-ORCHESTRA Project

L. Leomanni, G. Collatuzzo, E. Sansone, E. Sala, G. De Palma et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:

Enabling Open Science in Medicine Through Data Sharing: An Overview and Assessment of Common Approaches from the European Perspective

H. Attieh, A. Haber, F. Wirth, B. Buchner, F. Prasser

Contributing partner:
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH/Charité)

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Open Access to Law"

Comparative study showed that children faced a 78% higher risk of new-onset conditions after they had COVID-19

C. di Chiara, E. Barbieri, Y. Chen, E. Visonà, S. Cagnis, et al.

Contributing partner:
Penta–Child Health Research, Padua, Italy

Scientific article available at:
"Acta Paediatrica"

Development, Validation, and Accuracy of ORCHESTRA Emotional Exhaustion Questionnaire

R.K. Gan, P. Arcos González, M. Rodríguez‑Suárez, G. Fernández Tardón, A. Zerbo, et al.

Contributing partner:
The University of Oviedo (UNIOVI)

Scientific article available at:
"Gaceta Sanitaria"

Studying temporal titre evolution of commercial SARS-CoV-2 assays reveals significant shortcomings of using BAU standardization for comparison

I. Kroidl, S. Winter, R. Rubio-Acero, A. Bakuli, C. Geldmacher et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München (LMU)

Scientific article available at:

Accessibility of covariance information creates vulnerability in Federated Learning frameworks

M. Huth, J. Arruda, R. Gusinow, L. Contento, E. Tacconelli, J. Hasenauer

Contributing partner:
Institute of Computational Biology, Helmholtz Munich; Life and Medical Sciences Institute, University of Bonn

Scientific article available at:

Risk Factors for Community and Intrahousehold Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: Modeling in a Nationwide French Population-Based Cohort Study, the EpiCoV Study

S. Novelli, L. Opatowski, C. Manto, D. Rahib, X. de Lamballerie, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"American Journal of Epidemiology"

Multimorbidity and Serological Response to SARS-CoV-2 Nine Months after 1st Vaccine Dose: European Cohort of Healthcare Workers—Orchestra Project

C. Violán, L. Carrasco-Ribelles, G. Collatuzzo, G. Ditano, P. Torán-Monserrat, et al.

Contributing partner:
ISGlobal, Barcelona

Scientific article available at:

Incidence and Determinants of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infections After Booster Dose in a Large European Multicentric Cohort of Health Workers-ORCHESTRA Project

S. Porru, M. Grazia Lourdes Monaco, G. Spiteri, A. Carta, G. Caliskan et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health"

Clinical phenotypes and quality of life to define post-COVID-19 syndrome: a cluster analysis of the multinational, prospective ORCHESTRA cohort

E. Gentilotti, A. Górska, A. Tami, R. Gusinow, M. Mirandola et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:

Video abstract available here

The Prospective COVID-19 Post-Immunization Serological Cohort in Munich (KoCo-Impf): Risk Factors and Determinants of Immune Response in Healthcare Workers

C. Reinkemeyer, Y. Khazaei, M. Weigert, M. Hannes, R. Le Gleut et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München (LMU)

Scientific article available at:

How European Research Projects Can Support Vaccination Strategies: The Case of the ORCHESTRA Project for SARS-CoV-2

A. Azzini, L. Canziani, R. Davis, M. Mirandola, M. Hoelscher, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona, University of Munich (LMU)

Scientific article available at:

SARS-CoV-2 Reinfections in Health-Care Workers, 1 March 2020–31 January 2023

L. Cegolon, G. Magnano, C. Negro, F. Larese Filon

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:

Long-term Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Children and Adults After Mild Infection

C. Di Chiara, A. Cantarutti, P. Costenaro, D. Donà, F. Bonfante et al.

Contributing partner:
Fondazione Penta ONLUS (PENTA)

Scientific article available at:

The representative COVID-19 cohort Munich (KoCo19): from the beginning of the pandemic to the Delta virus variant

R. Le Gleut, M. Plank, P. Pütz, K. Radon, A. Bakuli et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München (LMU)

Scientific article available at:
"BMC Infectious Diseases"

Factors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection before Vaccination among European Health Care Workers

I. Mansour, A. Godono, E. Sansone, G. Visci, G. Spiteri, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Torino

Scientific article available at:
"La Medicina del Lavoro"

Comparison of Depression and Anxiety Following Self-reported COVID-19–Like Symptoms vs SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity in France

A. Rouquette, A. Descarpentry, F. Dione, B. Falissard, S. Legleye, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"JAMA Netw Open"

Using machine learning to predict antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.The multicentre ORCHESTRA cohort

M. Giannella, M. Huth, E. Righi, J. Hasenauer, L. Marconi et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:
"Clinical Microbiology and Infection"

Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19

D. Matuozzo, E. Talouarn, A. Marchal, P. Zhang, J. Manry et al.

Contributing partner:
French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Scientific article available at:
"Genome Medicine"

The Effect of the Immunization Schedule and Antibody Levels (Anti-S) on the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Large Cohort of Healthcare Workers in Northern Italy

E. Sansone, G. Collatuzzo, S. Renzetti, G. Ditano, C. Bonfanti et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:

Diagnostic Accuracy of a Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Among People Experiencing Homelessness: A Prospective Cohort and Implementation Study

P. De Nardo, M. Tebon, A. Savoldi, N. Soriolo, E. Denese et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:
"Infectious Diseases and Therapy"

Integrative modelling of reported case numbers and seroprevalence reveals time-dependent test efficiency and infectious contacts

L. Contento, N. Castelletti, E. Raimúndez, R. Le Gleut, Y. Schälte et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München (LMU)
and Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU)

Scientific article available at:

Impact of Omicron variant infection on assessment of spike-specific Immune responses using Quan-T-Cell SARS-CoV-2 assay and Roche Elecsys anti-SARS-CoV-2-S

M. Ahmed, M. Plank, N. Castelletti, P. Diepers, T. Eser et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian - Universität München (LMU)

Scientific article available at:
"Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics"

Effect of a Fourth Dose of mRNA Vaccine and of Immunosuppression in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infections in Heart Transplant Patients

M. Masetti, M. Scuppa, A. Aloisio, L. Giovannini, L. Borgese, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna

Scientific article available at:

Host immunological responses facilitate development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations in patients receiving monoclonal antibody treatments

A. Gupta, A. Konnova, M. Smet, M. Berkell, A. Savoldi et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Antwerp (UAntwerp)
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:
"JCI The Journal of Clinical Investigation"

Relationship between immune response to SARS-CoV2 vaccines and development of breakthrough infection in solid organ transplant recipients: the CONTRAST cohort

C. Bonazzetti, B. Tazza, D. Gibertoni, Z. Pasquini, N. Caroccia et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:
"Clinical Infectious Diseases"

SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infections in Health Care Workers: An Italian Retrospective Cohort Study on Characteristics, Clinical Course and Outcomes

L. De Maria, S. Sponselli, A. Caputi, P. Stefanizzi, A, Pipoli et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:
"J. Clin. Med."

Temporal trends of COVID-19 antibodies in vaccinated healthcare workers undergoing repeated serological sampling: An individual-level analysis within 13 months in the ORCHESTRA cohort

G. Collatuzzo, G. De Palma, F. Violante, S. Porru, F. Filon et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Immunology"

Use of health care services among people with Covid-19 symptoms in the first pandemic peak in France

J. Pousson, L. Silberzan, F. Jusot, L. Meyer, J. Warszawski, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"Plos One"

Predictive model for BNT162b2 vaccine response in cancer patients based on blood cytokines and growth factors

A. Konnova, F. de Winter, A. Gupta, L. Verbruggen, A. Hotterbeekx, et al.

Contributing partner:
Universiteit Antwerpen (UANTWERPEN)

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Immunology"

Enhanced Spike-specific, but attenuated Nucleocapsid-specific T cell responses upon SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough versus non-breakthrough infections

M. Ahmed, P. Diepers, C. Janke, M. Plank, C. Geldmacher, et al.

Contributing partner:
University Hospital LMU Munich

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Immunology"

Effectiveness of prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission among unvaccinated Italian healthcare workers

G. Collatuzzo, I. Mansour, C. Ciocan, G. Ditano, A. Godono et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:
"Med Lav"

Primary SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Re-infections and Vaccine Effectiveness during the Omicron Transmission Period in Healthcare Workers of Trieste and Gorizia (Northeast Italy), 1 December 2021–31 May 2022

L. Cegolon, C. Negro, G. Mastrangelo, F. Larese Filon

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:

Exploratory data on the clinical efficacy of monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant of Concern

F. Mazzaferri, M. Mirandola, A. Savoldi, P. D. Nardo, M. Morra et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:
eLife (

SARS-CoV-2 and Its Variants in Thrice-Infected Health Workers: A Case Series from an Italian University Hospital

M. Lourdes Monaco, G. Spiteri, G. Caliskan, V. Lotti, A. Carta et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:

Global Association of COVID-19 Pandemic Measures with Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

F. Teglia, M. Angelini, G. Casolari, L. Astolfi, P. Boffetta

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna

Scientific article available at:

Retrospective analysis of SARS-CoV-2 omicron invasion over delta in French regions in 2021–22: a status-based multi-variant model

T. Haschka, E. Vergu, B. Roche, C. Poletto & L. Opatowski

Contributing partner:
French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Scientific article available at:
"BMC Infectious Diseases"

The COVID HOME study research protocol: Prospective cohort study of non-hospitalised COVID-19 patients

A. Tami, B. van der Gun, K. Wold, M. Vincenti-González, A. Veloo et al.

Contributing partner:
University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)

Scientific article available at:

European HPC cloud infrastructure for managing SARS-CoV-2 data in compliance with GDPR

C. Dellacasa, M. Ortali, E. Rossi, M. D'Antonio, T. Osmo, et al.

Contributing partner:
CINECA Consorzio Interuniversitario

Scientific article available at:
"European Journal of Public Health"

Determinants of Anti-S Immune Response at 9 Months after COVID-19 Vaccination in a Multicentric European Cohort of Healthcare Workers—ORCHESTRA Project

G. Collatuzzo, V. Lodi, D. Feola, G. de Palma, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna

Scientific article available at:

Labor market participation and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic among young adults (18 to 30 years): A nationally representative study in France

M. Melchior, A. Florence, C. Davisse-Paturet, B. Falissard, C. Galéra, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Public Health"

Predictors of clinical evolution of SARS-CoV-2 infection in hematological patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

E. Carrara, E. Razzaboni, A. Azzini, M. De Rui, M. Nunes Pinho Guedes et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:
"Hematological Oncology"

Association of Patients’ Epidemiological Characteristics and Comorbidities
with Severity and Related Mortality Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Results of
an Umbrella Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

E. Reyna-Villasmil, M. G. Caponcello, N. Maldonado, P. Olivares, N. Caroccia et al.

Contributing partner:
Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS)

Scientific article available at:

Determinants of anti-S immune response at 6 months after COVID-19 vaccination in a multicentric European cohort of healthcare workers – ORCHESTRA project

G. Collatuzzo, G. Visci, F. Violante, S. Porru, P. Boffetta, et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna, University of Verona

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Immunology"

Perceived Psychological Impact on Children and Parents of Experiencing COVID-19 Infection in One or More Family Members

P. Costenaro, C. Di Chiara, V. Boscolo, A. Barbieri, A. Tomasello et al.

Contributing partner:
Fondazione Penta ONLUS (PENTA)

Scientific article available at:

Usefulness and Limitations of Anti-S IgG Assay in Detecting Previous SARS-Cov-2 Breakthrough Infection in Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers

G. Spiteri, M. Grazia Lourdes Monaco, G. Caliskan, A. Carta, M. Diletta Pezzani et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:

SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infections: Incidence and Risk Factors in a Large European Multicentric Cohort of Health Workers

S. Porru, M. G. L. Monaco, G. Spiteri, A. Carta, M. D. Pezzani et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:

Exhaustion in Healthcare Workers after the First Three Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic

M. R. Oțelea, A. Rașcu, C. Staicu, L. Călugăreanu, M. Ipate et al.

Contributing partner:
National Institute of Public Health (INSP)

Scientific article available at:
"International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health"

When Lack of Trust in the Government and in Scientists Reinforces Social Inequalities in Vaccination Against COVID-19

N. Bajos, A. Spire, L. Silberzan, A. Sireyjol, F. Jusot, et al.

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Public Health"

Assessment of neutralizing antibody responses after natural SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in congolese individuals

A. L. Batchi-Bouyou, J. C. Djontu, J. C. Vouvoungui, C. C. M. Mapanguy, L. L. Ingoba et al.

Contributing partner:
The Congolese Foundation for Medical Research (FCRM)

Scientific article available at:
"BMC Infectious Diseases"

Preliminary Evidence on Pulmonary Function after Asymptomatic and Mild COVID-19 in Children

C. D. Chiara, S. Carraro, S. Zanconato, S. Cozzani, E. Baraldi et al.

Contributing partner:
Fondazione Penta ONLUS (PENTA)

Scientific article available at:

Harmonization and standardization of data for a pan-European cohort on SARS- CoV-2 pandemic

E. Rinaldi, C. Stellmach, N. M. R. Rajkumar, Natascia Caroccia, Chiara Dellacasa et al.

Contributing partner:
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH/Charité)

Scientific article available at:
"npj Digital Medicine"

Social Isolation Among Older Adults in the Time of COVID-19: A Gender Perspective

L. Silberzan, C. Martin, N. Bajos et al.

Contributing partner:
French national institute of health and medical research (INSERM)

Scientific article available at:
"Frontiers in Public Health"

Trends in social exposure to SARS-Cov-2 in France. Evidence from the national socio-epidemiological cohort–EPICOV

J.Warszawski, L. Meyer, J.-E. Franck, D. Rahib, N. Lydié et al.

Contributing partner:
French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Scientific article available at:

Evaluation of the Kinetics of Antibody Response to COVID-19 Vaccine in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: The Prospective Multicenter ORCHESTRA Cohort

M. Giannella, E. Righi, R. Pascale, M. Rinaldi, N. Caroccia et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna (UNIBO)

Scientific article available at:

Higher risk, higher protection: COVID-19 risk among immigrants in France—results from the population-based EpiCov survey

A. Gosselin, J. Warszawski, N. Bajos

Contributing partner:

Scientific article available at:
"European Journal of Public Health"

Determinants of persistence of symptoms and impact on physical and mental wellbeing in Long COVID: A prospective cohort study

E. Righi, M. Mirandola, F. Mazzaferri, G. Dossi, E. Razzaboni et al.

Contributing partner:
University of Verona (UNIVR)

Scientific article available at:
"Journal of Infection"

SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccination in solid‐organ transplant recipients: What the clinician needs to know

M. Giannella, L.C. Pierrotti, I. Helanterä, O. Manuel

Contributing partner:
UNIBO, Italy

Scientific article available at:
"Transplant International"

From first to second wave: follow-up of the prospective Covid-19 cohort (KoCo19) in Munich (Germany)

K. Radon, A. Bakuli, P. Pütz, J. M. Le Gleut, L. Olbrich et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian- Universität München (LMU)

Scientific article available at:
"BMC infectious diseases"

Mild SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Neutralizing Antibody Titers

F. Bonfante, P. Costenaro, A. Cantarutti, C. Di Chiara, A. Bortolami et al.

Contributing partner:
Fondazione Penta ONLUS (PENTA)

Scientific article available at:

SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in solid-organ transplant recipients: What the clinician needs to know

M. Giannella, L. Pierrotti, I. Helanterä, O. Manuel

Contributing partner:
University of Bologna

Scientific article available at:
"Transplant International"

A dried blood spot protocol for high throughput analysis of SARS-CoV-2 serology based on the Roche Elecsys anti-N assay

J. Beyerl, R. Rubio-Acero, N. Castelletti, I. Paunovic, I. Kroidl et al.

Contributing partner:
Ludwig-Maximilian - Universität München (LMU)

Scientific article available at: